Sunday 23 October 2011

Eating out Weskus style!

There are three words that can bring me to the brink of despair and those are 'What's for lunch?' If I was very, very, rich I would have a full time cook and never have to worry about food again! So, yesterday lunchtime when Rob asked me if I fancied some fish and chips at Paternoster, it was a race between Alfie and me as to who got to the garage door first! Before he changed his mind! Fish and chips! The very thought of it brings moisture to my mouth and we have found a few places that rate very high on our re-visit list! One of these is 'On the Rocks' at Paternoster. A short stone's throw from the beach, it is a small whitewashed building built next to a paved and strip-roofed area that was originally intended for the fishermen to clean and sell their fish. There are picnic tables where you can eat, or you can take your paper-wrapped parcel to the beach, and eat while the gulls mill around waiting for scraps.

Pity you cannot smell the mouth watering aroma!

The fish is fresh, the batter is crispy and the chips are golden and dripping with salt and vinegar! Extra condiments are provided in small, decorated wooden boxes, but we always shun the plastic knives and forks and eat with our fingers! The shop is efficiently run by a local lady who regularly has loud conversations with people up the road and shouts at the children if they become a nuisance trying to sell strings of shells to the tourists. Once an order is placed you simply wait for the strident call, 'Twee-hake-one-tjips-salt-an-vinegar-thankyou! Dankie!'. There are usually three or four motley dogs there, hoping for a handout, and Alfie mutters if they come too close!

Fresher than this is still swimming!

Sitting staring at the sea and eating fish and chips, must be up in the top 10 of things to do in the Western Cape. But it doesn't end there, because when the last chip has gone and the fingers are licked clean but still sticky, a walk to the waters edge to rinse fingers and have a quick paddle before a gentle walk along the beach, is not far behind!

The view from the 'restaurant', wow!

It's a hard life, but someone's got to do it! I feel that it is my duty to support this business, I am sure you will agree!

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