Saturday, 2 September 2017

Spring and Things!

So, here we are, in theory winter is over, spring is officially here, and we can look forward to a long, hot, dry slide into Christmas and 2018!!

Scary isn't it?

Anyway, before we all get maudlin, let me bring you up to date on The Week That Was.
I think I mentioned that I wanted to make a house for the cats? For Juniper (fixed), Jasmine (read on), and Jennifer (to be fixed). I started looking round for suitable containers and eyeing the wheelie bins that had been left on the road after bin collection, working out which one I could 'borrow' for a very good cause.

Then, suddenly, problem was sorted. Emma and Coert (our wonderful neighbours), had a small kennel that was not being used and they were happy to give it to me. So, round it came in a wheelbarrow and I cleaned it out, lined it with a couple of large empty birdfood bags, a piece of carpet (brand new) and a fluffy blanket (ditto). Rob and I drove round the corner and placed it in the corner of the garden where the cats seem to hang out.

It's beautiful, waterproof and warm.
And I think that they are using it because l have seen Juniper sitting just outside the doorway very often at food delivery times.

But, last week I suddenly was aware that Jasmine was changing shape and was looking more rotund than previously, and that although she enjoys the evening meals that I take them, it probably was more than just the food. I think I noticed it more because I had been away for the previous week, cat-sitting in Stellenbosch, so I had not seen her for a few days.

Time to act!
So Wednesday morning just before dawn, armed with trap, blanket, food and torch, I set off. The trap was set with the food in place and the blanket draped over, but leaving the food end clear so that they could smell breakfast. (I didn't feed on Tuesday evening so that they would be well and truly hungry on Wednesday morning!)

After my breakfast I went back to check. The trap was still set and empty..... But the food had been eaten. The bowl had been pulled to the very side of the trap so that it was close enough for a little feline foot to scoop the food out of it and into a mouth!

Home I came with the empty plastic bowl and swapped it for a small pottery bowl that was heavier and not as easy to drag. And armed with a second helping of breakfast back I went. This time I tucked the blanket right over the trap and tucked it in underneath!

And when I went back to check, the trap was closed and Jasmine was mine!

Off to the vet we went with mixed emotions. I know that if she was pregnant, the last thing she (or l) needed was kittens. Being feral she would not let me near them and it would mean trying to trap another generation before they in turn began to breed. I know it was the right thing to do, but it was still a sad moment.

Later that afternoon we went to fetch her, taking a large wooden box that had originally been a dog's 'flying kennel'. I wanted to keep her in overnight but the trap is quite a tight fit, especially with food and water. We transferred her, (she was still out for the count) and I gave her a stroke.... for the first and probably the last time.
Thursday morning we drove her home and opened the door of the crate and out she shot, over the wall and into the bushes.

She was home!
And she is fine.

But I still do not know if she was pregnant or not.....

Maybe it's better that way.

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