Friday, 31 March 2017

Cry the Beloved Country!

I don't quite know where to start this week's post.

If it was tomorrow, I could head it 'April Fools' but it all has taken place today!

Firstly, the shattering news that fracking has been approved! The beautiful part of the land that is magnificent in it's starkness, the beautiful Karoo, will be fracked and cracked and attacked, all in the name of greed. We have a country that is desperately short of water, and yet the go-ahead has been given. I cannot believe that a huge amount of money didn't change hands, and I feel desperately sorry for the people living there who have tried so hard to stop the rape of this ancient land of contrasts.

Then, just when we thought things couldn't get worse..... our 'Esteemed President' in his 'wisdom' (and I use that term very very loosely), takes it upon himself to fire the Minister of Finance and his Deputy (among other Ministers). Pravin Gordhan, who has proved himself over and over again as a morally upright man, was recalled from his overseas trip and ceremoniously fired. Goodbye overseas investment, goodbye keeping the government spending to a minimum and hello anger, sadness and a probable downgrade to 'Junk Status'.

I could go on and on about this, but the country is reeling at the moment from shock and disbelief. Everyone is now calling for Zuma to be thrown out, opposition parties are working together to force change. (I guess that is one good thing that has come out of this ghastly chaos.)

And we are all hoping that the few ANC Members of Parliament who have spoken out against Zuma in the past, find the backbone to vote in the only way that can possibly help our country.

The drought remains. Our dams are 28% full. That means they are 72% empty. Taking into account the fact that the last 10% cannot be used, there is enough usable water for a few weeks.

But, as I write this we have a light drizzle falling, just enough to dampen the cats.

Finally, a lighter note.... Dagga, or cannabis or marijuana, has been given the all clear in the Western Cape! So, you may now grow it in your garden for use at home, you may now smoke it, chew it, make tea with it, whatever you like.

It is legal.

Just in time, I think a few more people will be taking advantage of this now.

Pass the matches.

It might make the future look a bit brighter.

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