Sunday was Father's Day, so I did what any loving, thoughtful and supportive partner would do.
I sent Rob into the kitchen with a large black pot and a wooden spoon and allowed him to rustle up the most delicious lamb potjie that I think he has ever made (and that's saying something as all his dishes are Masterchef quality!)
Burbling away on the stove! Delicious. |
Monday came and went, as did Tuesday. In fact I can't remember what we did. I know we had some rain, just a couple of mm but it all helped to swell our 'puddles' on the way to town, and we now have two resident flamingos in one of them. They are in water up to their knees, so it is a fairly deep puddle. Now I am digressing about flamingos, and one of the interesting facts about them that I didn't know is that they fly at night! Far and without stopping! I belong to the EWT and receive regular newsletters and updates. The latest one (and I quote) says:
'On the 10th of June 2016 the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) recorded some extraordinary movements by a Lesser Flamingo (Phoeniconaias minor) recently fitted with a GPS/GSM satellite transmitter. This individual covered a staggering distance of 1,069 km in one single flight over 16 hours, crossing the Indian Ocean from Mozambique to Madagascar.
Flamingo no. 27 (a small female) had been satellite tagged at Delareyville in the North West Province as part of the Eskom/EWT partnership’s efforts to track flamingo movements to develop measures to protect them from collisions with power lines. When Flamingo no. 27 crossed the border into Mozambique, she didn’t stop there and instead she proceeded at 7pm on Saturday the 10th of June to cross the Mozambique coast at Maxixe. She finally reached the western shores of Madagascar near Morombe at noon the following day.'
Thanks to the EWT. (End of digression. Is that actually a word?)
Anyway, that took care of the beginning of the week.
Wednesday is Shopping Day because it is Pensioner's Day at our local Pick 'n Pay supermarket! Not only that, but Wimpy also has a breakfast special for us wrinklies! Guess where we had breakfast? Once we had dodged our way past the crutches, walking sticks and wheelie walkers parked by the door, we literally bumped into our neighbours, so it was a real social occasion! The table nearest the door was packed with the owners of the sticks and crutches, residents of 'Huis Wittekruin' the local retirement home. They were having a great time and someone was obviously telling some juicy jokes as the laughter was loud and long!
Thursday is my Hospice shop day so off I set at a time when I am usually still in bed drinking coffee! I always enjoy my morning there even though we were unusually quiet yesterday. By the time I left, we had made the grand total of R65.......... and R10 of that was from me!
Then after lunch I noticed that Morris was digging a lot of holes, sitting over them as though he was going to wee, but doing nothing. Our usual vet is open every afternoon except Thursday, isn't that just how it goes? So I phoned the vet who has a practise next door to Huis Wittekruin, and we bundled Morris into the cat box and headed off. Yes, he had a bladder infection but fortunately his bladder was empty and the vet couldn't find any sign of crystals. So, after two injections, two sets of medicine-by-mouth (oh joy), and a packet of Hills special diet for bladder problems, we came home. When I opened the Hills packet, both Basil and Morris were very interested and I was very happy! Then they both decided that this was not actually worth coming home for, and they left. Alfie enjoyed it though. I shall have to mix it with the usual food and let them get on with it. And then I had to give Morris one of the little pink pills so I crushed it between two spoons and cunningly mixed it in the jelly from the usual cat food pouch. He was not fooled. He licked around the pink bits and left! This morning it was the rough stuff, grab, scruff, shove down throat avoiding the teeth and squeeze a spoonful of tube medicine after it. Rob had him firmly tucked under his arm and I was at the teeth end!
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Morris having a hard day at the office! (Pic thanks to Rob) |
Then last night I managed to fall up the stairs!
Being a typical Weskus house, our walls wobble a bit and nothing is square. Our stairs are not evenly measured and the very bottom step is a tad higher than the next one. I know all this and I usually lift my legs accordingly. But, armed with hot water bottle, two phones, and a glass bottle for night drinking (water I might add), I misjudged the height, my foot caught on the bottom step and down I went! I thought that I had broken at least one leg, possibly both, as I landed with my left shin and my right thigh against the sharp edge of the next couple of stairs up! I ended up with water, glass and blood all over the place as my finger and my knee took a pounding too. And then Basil decided to come and see what the problem was! Poor Rob mopped the steps, and me, and sat me in a chair while I carried on crying! I was extremely lucky, nothing was broken, but I have some blossoming bruises appearing on both legs. That actually taught me a lesson. Two really. Never use a glass bottle and always have a free hand when climbing stairs!
That brings us to today.
Friday June 24.
Margaret Day. (Read the blog)
Brexit day.
Rob is in the kitchen with a large black pot and a wooden spoon making soup!
And tomorrow we play the third rugby test against Ireland.
Enough said!
You silly cow!use a cool drink plastic bottle and carry the hottie on your head!seriously be careful!!!
Moooooooo!! Yes, I have learned a valuable lesson don't worry!!!
A few remarks that entered my mind:
- You realize that flamingos fly an amazing 60 km/h for 16 hours! Neither Rob nor you nor your car would manage that driving without refueling.
- Bladder problems are very common with cats. We have had the same. Since then we use special food for all cats and they are happy with it. A bit more expensive but all problems solved.
- Still looking for a new house. Hedwig insists it should have sleeping and bathing on the ground floor. Perhaps she is right...
Regards, Michael
By the way... 250 mm of rain this month sofar. Summer is somewhere else.
Thinking of bladders..... I couldn't manage 16 hours without a few pit-stops!! That special food that I bought for the cats is not a hit with them at all! I am mixing it with their 'old' food and they are picking out the bits that they like!!!
Ah....summer! Now that Wimbledon has begun I can just see the rain clouds gathering over the courts. We have had some more rain, another 9 mm and now there are 3 flamingos in our 'puddle'! Enjoy your weather....... Love to you both
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