Where has 2015 gone? And 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011.......... In fact, where has it all gone? It seems just the other day when 1999 clicked towards 2000 and we sat with candles at the ready and wondered whether our computers would self destruct and all the planes would fall out of the sky! And of course all was well and we laughed and said well we knew that everything would be fine! But I digress!
Christmas always brings thoughts of food! (Mind you, every day brings thoughts of food and thoughts of 'what am I going to cook today?') I remember mum spending Christmas morning in the kitchen surrounded by turkey, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, mince pies, and pudding and custard, while the windows steamed up and the fire was lit in the lounge and we played with our new toys! Then after lunch it was washing up time! Piles of plates and pots and pans, knives forks and spoons, while mum reminded whoever was washing 'don't put the handles of the knives in the water'. Those bone handled knives are still going strong, we use them every day and every time I wash them I say to myself 'don't put the handles in the water'!
Our knives |
Every year mum would say 'I wish there was a pill that you could swallow that would taste like Christmas dinner, it would save all that washing up!'
Well, I have found something even better....
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Open and eat! (Thanks to Google) |
The Christmas Tinner!
How clever is that? The entire day's meals ready to eat......in layers! Scrambled eggs and bacon, two mince pies, Turkey and potatoes, gravy,bread sauce, cranberry sauce, Brussel sprouts with stuffing, (or broccoli with stuffing), roast carrots and parsnips and Christmas pudding! Breakfast, then dinner then pudding, neatly packaged. You don't even need a plate, it can be scooped straight out of the tin! The only thing that could be a problem is digging too deep for breakfast and ending up in the pudding layer!!
I really like that idea. It could be adapted to suit any meal actually, think of bacon and eggs for breakfast followed by a braai with pap and onion and tomato gravy, and finished off with jelly and ice cream! Or cornflakes followed by spaghetti bolognaise and apple pie maybe? Use a plastic spoon and there is no washing up at all! Only a tin and a spoon to be re-cycled. Think of the water saving. Think of the time saved so other things could be enjoyed instead of slaving over a hot stove!
The ideas are endless!
Ho Ho Ho!!!
Merry Christmas everyone!
See you in 2016.
Do you remember the lumpy pillowcases at the end of our beds and eating the end off every Milk Tray choc to find the ones we didn't like! and fooling auntie Julia into eating the coffee cremes which she hated! so many wonderful memories of our childhood xmases couldgo on forever! love the tinner idea!!
Yes I remember it all! Singing carols, dad playing the piano and me on the rocking horse. Walking in the park after lunch and mum laughing at dad when he fell over! Granny saying 'Winnie Lily Julie' and wearing a horribly scratchy dress! Yes, we had wonderful times.
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