Do you ever have days where you think that you should go back to bed re-play the day properly tomorrow? Like that wonderful Bill Murray movie called 'Ground Hog Day'?
I had one on Tuesday!
It started like any normal day, slow wake up, roll out of bed, straighten slowly and with much grunting, shuffle downstairs, feed the birds/cats/dog, make coffee, clamber back into bed and plan the day! Rob was away, he was swanning around in the Kruger Park with people, so I was keeping Alfie's spirits up by singing to him and spoiling him and that sort of thing.
My Tuesday was planned and went something like this: Nip to the Post Office and post a parcel to my sister, then pop into the Bank and organise some money movement ready for my trip next week (yes, it's stomach churn time again as I fly to Spain on the 14 April!!! And I can't wait!) Then another nip to the Pharmacy to collect a month's supply of my tablets, up the road to have my hair cut (so I look fabulous for said trip), a leisurely stroll through the local mall to gather the last minute things for everybody to take with me. And home.
Well, the Post Office was a doddle, took a few minutes and I was out, one ticked off the list.
And then it all fell apart!
I decided to go to the Pharmacy next as it was on the way to the bank, easy. This was now just after nine and my hair appointment was at ten, so loads of time and no stress. I asked for my usual prescription only to have the Pharmacist call out 'Oh sorry, those tablets are no longer available.There are none in the entire country. So sorry.'
Me: 'But I am flying next week and need at least five weeks supply to keep me going!' with a slight note of not-quite-hysteria in my voice.
Pharmacist: 'Gosh, your doctor will have to prescribe something else for you.'
Me (with slightly more hysteria): 'Oh !@#*. Right, I shall pop in to the doctor, he is on my way to the hairdresser. I shall return.'
Still with loads of time to go, but a little less calm, I decided to do the bank next. Short queue, so by ten past nine I was standing three away from the Enquiries desk. At twenty to ten I was still standing three away from the Enquiries desk. The reason? They had had a brand new system installed was not working. Properly. Or they did not know how to work it. Properly.
I finally left the bank with five minutes to spare. No time to go to the doctor before the hair, so I thought I would just go after. No problem.
Hair done and looking smart. Short and spikey! As I arrived at the doctor's rooms I noticed one thing. No other cars there! Now, this could be good, I thought, no queue to see the doctor.
There was no doctor. He is on leave until next week and could only help me maybe late Monday afternoon! I fly Tuesday! And the 'Back-up Doctor' was also away!
So, Plan B. Another doctor! So, off I set just up the road to our local Private Hospital and into the doctor's rooms. Yes, no problem, but he was busy all Tuesday and could only see me on Wednesday! I booked the appointment and left.
And went straight home.
To re-group and re-plan and relax!
Wednesday began the same as Tuesday but.......I got to the doctor, he saw me, he prescribed a new tablet and I finished my last minute shopping!
All at the last minute!
See you all in May!!!
have a wonderful trip, lot of love frm me and all the furkids, especially Mr Simba!
Thanks!! Hope all the furry ones are fine, Alfie sends his love to them all! As I do to you!!!
Late comment this week so sorry!hope the new pills, I mean the new new pills work out ok for you. Fly safe have a marvellous trip and sod all the vredenburg ground hogs!!
Yes, so far so good!!! The doc reckons my slightly high blood pressure was 'White coat Syndrome', i.e the thought of going to the doctor!! I replied that it was flying syndrome!!! He laughed. I didn't!! Next post 9 or 10 May!!
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