Rob decided that it was time that our caravan Hyacinth had a check-up, brakes and necessary things like that! There is no Caravan dealer near us, the closest is in Cape Town, so at the beginning of December last year Rob phoned them to book her in for the once-over before we use her again. We have had her since August 2013, and goodness knows how long the last chap had her or when she was serviced last. And she does a lot of standing around and waiting! So before we had a wheel fall off and overtake us down a hill, it seemed like a good idea.
And that's not all......... Look at the floor! |
So, on Monday we emptied her, helped by Alfie who thought that we were going somewhere, and Basil who just has to be involved in everything! It didn't take very long, but I think that we were both amazed at how much 'stuff'' there was! We put it all into the spare room to be sorted before I end up putting the whole lot back into the caravan 'just in case'!!
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It all fits in here!! |
Rob downloaded a map as we always get a little confused (aka lost) getting to the dealership. So, with map to hand and a list of what we wanted them to check, we set off. Rob pulled into the petrol station at the Langebaan turn-off to be told that they were out of petrol and were waiting for the tanker! The petrol price had been reduced at midnight, so the owner obviously didn't want to buy at the old price and sell at the new one! We were fine, but a few cars there were desperate and chose to wait for the tanker!
We drove into Brackenfell and followed the directions on the map, looking for the road that would take us straight there! Guess what? It wasn't marked on the map and we sailed past and out the other side, almost into the country! I had visions of simply pulling onto the side of the road and spending the night!! But after doubling back, and alternately following or ignoring the GPS lady, we got there in the end! She ended up saying 'recalculating' a number of times!
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Looks inviting hey? |
It's funny, but when I see a row of brand new caravans, I just want to sell the one we have and start again! While Rob was discussing symptoms with Dr Caravan, Alfie and I were peering into new vans and I was planning on where to pack things! But that soon passed once I saw the price tags, and we left Hyacinth in the capable hands of the Doctor and his team. Brakes, wheel bearings, new tyres and corner steadies, all will be sorted. She will be re-greased and de-greased, washed and spruced up and the rust underneath will also be attended to.
We'll go back next Friday with a new map, and bring the patient home!
Then we'll start to plan our next trip early in February!
Can't wait.
Pity they don't have medical aid for caravans!!
Would be handy for 'Nervous brake downs' hey!!
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